논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2022-06 마포·용산·성동(마용성) 현상의 이해: 직주락 센터의 형성을 중심으로 도시연구
2017-07 이민시장 개방의 정치경제학: 가사도우미와 30대 워킹맘의 정치 참여 이민과 통합 (Migration and Integration)
2017-06 인천 뷰티 라이프스타일 산업 육성 방안 IDI 도시연구
2016-12 South Korea's middle power diplomacy: A case of growing compatibility between regional and global roles INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL
2014-12 Think Tanks and Good Governance: The Case of the Korea Development Institute (KDI) International Studies Review
2013-05 Middle Power Leadership and the Evolution of the G20 Global Summitry Journal
2010-01 Does the United States Need a New East Asian Anchor? The Case for U.S.-Japan-Korea Trilateralism Asia Policy
2008-01 "The Korean Economic System Ten Years After the Crisis" In Crisis as Catalyst: Asia's Dynamic Political Economy Cornell University Press
2007-04 What does South Korea want? POLICY REVIEW
2006-08 Toward an ''East Asian'' Liberal Arts Education THE CHALLENGE OF EAST ASIAN LIBERAL ARTS EDUCATION
2005-07 Public Diplomacy and North Korea Policy: Diverging Effects of U.S. Messages in the United States and South Korea Journal of East Asian Studies
2004-10 우루과이라운드 쌀 협상 도서출판 오름
2004-10 협상이론과 전략 한국의 통상협상
2004-03 후보경선제, 본선경쟁력 그리고 정당 민주화: 2002년 6.13 기초자치단체장선거를 중심으로 한국정치학회보
2003-12 The Challenge of Accountability: Implications of the Censorate Cambridge University press
2003-11 정책연구의 세계적 추세와 KDI의 역할 한국개발연구
2002-12 대통령과 외교안보 동아시아 연구원
2002-11 북한 의도의 불확실성과 남한의 대북정책 전략논총
2002-11 Korea after the Crash JOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY
2002-09 정치부패 척결을 위한 정치자금제도 개선방안 선거관리
2002-09 강하지만 제한된 정부를 위한 정치개혁: 책임과 능력의 균형 계간사상
2002-06 Alternative Sources of Public Policy Advice: Republic of Korea Japan Center for International Exchange/Brookings Institution
2002-05 다자간 시장개방: UR 농산물 협상 사례 도서출판 오름
2002-05 노동개혁: 민주화 이후 노동법 개정사례 도서출판 오름
2001-12 세계화와 한국의 이념정치 : 한국예외론에 대한 비판적 고찰 계간사상
2001-08 Ending Economic Sanctions: Agent Veto and Corruption as Commitment Strategies JOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION
2001-06 Political Culture and Legislative Gridlock: Politics of Economic Reform in Pre-crisis Korea COMPARATIVE POLITICAL STUDIES
2001-06 김대중 정부와 이익집단 분쟁 계간사상
2001-05 Strong Government and the Challenge of Democratic Governance KOREA FOCUS
2001-03 부시행정부의 통상정책과 한국의 대응: 부시행정부 통상정책의 정치경제 국제통상연구
2000-09 The Political Economy of the Korean Financial Crisis REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY
2000-03 보스니아, 북아일랜드 평화협정 사례연구 전략연구
1999-12 The SNTV and the Politics of Electoral Systems in Korea Michigan University Press
1999-08 Korea After the Crash JOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY
1999-07 Strategic Alliances as a corporate response to protectionism The Pacific Review
1999-03 Koreas Bargaining Strategy in Rescheduling Its Foreign Debt KOREA FOCUS
1998-07 Political Culture, Democracy, and Economic Crisis of Korea REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES
1998-07 Economic Intergration in Political Development in a Unified Korea 세계지역연구논총
1998-01 북한의 정권위기 관리행태에 관한 이론적, 경험적 분석 통일연구
1997-07 Implementing Comprehensive Security: Lessons from South Korean Economic Diplomacy Wellington NZ: Center for Strategic Studies Victoria University of Wellington
1997-07 북한의도의 불확실성과 남한의 대북정책 한국전략문제 연구소
1997-07 The Political Economy of Corporate Governance Reform in Korea GLOBAL ECONOMIC REVIEW
1997-03 북한의 경제개혁과 김정일 정권의 내구력 분석 통일연구
1997-03 The Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment Liberalization in Northeast Asia Dynamic Transition and Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia
1997-01 Security and Economic Linkage in the Inter-Korea Relationship North Korea after Kim Il Sung: Continuity or Chang
1995-12 Domestic Institutions and International Bargaining: The Role of Agent Veto in Two-level games AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW
1994-09 The Logic of Two-level Games with Endogenous Domestic Coalitions JOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION
1992-03 Strategic Alliances as a Corporate Response to Protectionism The Pacific Review
1992-01 Electoral Systems and Institutional Choice COMPARATIVE POLITICAL STUDIES
1991-03 Urbanization and Voter Turnout in Korea:An update Political Behavior
1990-03 The United States Congress and Trade Policy: An Institutional Approach Pacific Focus