- 제목
- (240814) Political Identity, Income Inequality, and Joy of Destruction: An experiment with Republicans and Democrats
- 작성일
- 2024.08.06
- 작성자
- 경제연구소
- 게시글 내용
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발표자: Joo Young Jeon (University of Reading, UK.)
주제: Political Identity, Income Inequality, and Joy of Destruction: An experiment with Republicans and Democrats
발표자: Subhasish M. Chowdhury (University of Sheffield)
주제: Eliciting Preferences about the Idea of ‘Love Marriage’ in Rural India: Results from a List Experiment
장소: 대우관 본관 4층 415호 (곽정환홀)
날짜: 8월 14일 (수요일) 오전 11시 00분 ~ 오후 2시 30분
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