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(241007) Lender Concentration of External Debts and Sudden Stops
게시글 내용

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발표자: Chun-Che Chi (Academia Sinica)

주제: Lender Concentration of External Debts and Sudden Stops

장소: 대우관 본관 3층 323호 (송하경홀)

날짜: 10월 7일 월요일 오후 1시 00분~ 오후 2시 15분

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This paper studies how the lender structure of external debts affects international credit through a model with various lender sizes. While atomistic lenders take prices as given, large lenders internalize the pecuniary externality whereby selling collateral reduces the collateral price. Thus, concentrating debt among large lenders maintains the collateral price during downturns, leading borrowers to demand less precautionary savings and overborrow. I document that emerging countries borrow from fewer US banks, implying that emerging countries tend to overborrow. This mechanism com- plements the existing view of overborrowing due to borrowers’ pecuniary externalities. Optimal lender concentration raises debt and improves borrower’s welfare.